304-725-3186 info@jccm.us

Day Programs

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Day Programs

At JCCM, we offer a variety of Day Programs our clients can benefit from.


The Jobs Initiative Program is designed to help people gain job experience while allowing them to learn skills that will assist them in getting jobs and maintaining employment. Our staff works to teach clients about workplace etiquette, customer service skills, multi-tasking, and more.


The Life Skills Program is designed to improve the approach our clients take to managing their own lives. Members of our staff act as a life coach for clients as they participate in the program. This program also includes a segment about budgeting to help clients learn how to manage their finances in order to set them up for success. Additionally, literacy classes are offered in collaboration with Jefferson County Adult Education to help our clients reach their academic potential.


JCCM also offers a variety of day programs directed towards the homeless population and strives to help them find happiness and purpose in everyday life. During the warmer months, JCCM helps our clients obtain fishing licenses and takes them on fishing trips to various locations in the area. JCCM has also been getting clients involved in our community give-back efforts. Local 4-H Camp Frame was one of JCCM’s recent projects. Our clients

spent time refurbishing the campground to get it ready for the busy summer season when the community’s younger generation will be enjoying their summer camps. Renovations to the site included replacing decks, staining wood, and repairing the camp’s inground swimming pool.


If you or someone you know could benefit from our Day Programs, visit the JCCM building Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. to speak with one of our Intake representatives.