304-725-3186 info@jccm.us



Ministries’ Matter Number 2

JCCM clients have once again created a newsletter they have asked us to share. They are all God’s children with love and the gratefulness in their hearts. If you feel inclined to support JCCM in helping our neighbors, please do so….   Nov 2024 Newsletter

Bid Notice for 202 Racetrack Street (Lower)

Addendum 2 UpdateMetered DetailSheet C101 JCCM 174 Racetrack Site Plan JCCM Addendum 1The following attachments include: 1.   Complete Bid Documentation including submittal forms. 2.  Preliminary Site Plan.  The final Site Plan will be issued upon approval by City of Ranson. 3.  Preliminary Architectural design for Lower renovations. BID DOCUMENT 202 Lower (1) Notice for BID […]

JCCM Documentary

Mr. Jim Baker Jr, a seven time Emmy award winning documentary producer came to JCCM and volunteered to create a documentary about our ministry.  This video clip is an edited clip of that longer documentary.  We hope you enjoy watching, and please consider donating at JCCM.us