304-725-3186 info@jccm.us

Bid Notice for 202 Racetrack Street (Upper)

Bid Notice for 202 Racetrack Street (Upper)

The following attachments include:

1.   Complete Bid Documentation including submittal forms.

2.  Preliminary Site Plan.  The final Site Plan will be issued upon approval by City of Ranson.

3.  Preliminary Architectural design for upper apartments.

4.  (Added July 10, 2024)  Roof Design and DrawingsEngineeringDrawingReport_2306222-2306222A (2) 2306222_Layout (2)

BID DOC FINAL 202 UPPER (1) 240610 JCCM 202 Racetrack Preliminary Site Plan AptsVet6-4-APARTMENT

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