304-725-3186 info@jccm.us

Author: Keith Lowry

We are all God’s Children

I am a lifelong resident of Jefferson County.  Prior to my employment at JCCM, I was unaware of how many members of our community are homeless.  While I saw someone from time to time standing at a busy intersection holding a sign asking for some sort of help, I had no idea many others in […]

A New Years Gift

To the Jefferson County Community Ministries:   My name is Mike and I want to thank you for the bottom of my heart for all of the things yo have done for my daughter Michelle. I want to share and I want people to know what the Ministry has done for Michelle over the years.  […]

Weekly Needs List

JCCM would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our donors, volunteers, and partners for making it possible for us to be able to help the people of Jefferson County in so many different ways. We would not be able to do what we do, without so many of you. We are looking […]

Second Grade Spirit of Giving

To emphasize the true giving spirit of the season, each second-grade class at South Jefferson Elementary School donated blankets, hats, mittens and scarves, socks, and hand/feet warmers to Jefferson County Community Ministries.  What a wonderful spirit of giving from our youth.  May the blessings of heaven pour down on these second graders, their parents and […]

Thank you!

We always appreciate getting to spend time with our community, but especially when celebrating the holidays! Thank you for welcoming Jefferson County Community Ministries to this year’s Charles Town-Ranson Christmas Parade!   At this time of year, JCCM is busy helping those in need with basic, but vital resources. Visit www.jccm.us/donations to see how you can contribute […]

Peace and Goodwill

As the Apostle Luke described the details of Christ’s birth, he added, “… suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Jefferson County Community Ministries witnessed this same spirit of peace and good will as […]

Manna From Heaven

When the children of Israel were wandering in the desert, hungry and uncertain about where to find food, the Lord provided nourishment in a most unusual way.  He caused “a fine, flake-like thing” to appear on the ground like frost each morning, and “when the children of Israel saw it, they said one to another, It […]

Weekly Needs List 11/15

Cereal, Butter, Hot dogs, Ground beef, Eggs, Regular coffee (not instant), Microwave meals, Canned chili with beans, Shelf Stable/powdered milk, Pancake mix, Syrup, Jelly, Applesauce, Rice/pasta sides, Boxed mashed potatoes, Boxed stuffing, Sugar, Powdered coffee creamer, Ramen Noodles, Canned meats (spam, chicken, tuna, etc), Dish soap, Laundry detergent, Deodorant, Shampoo/Conditioner, Body wash, Paper towels, Cat and dog food, Copy Paper

Every Needful Thing

We are coming into the season when we all ponder every needful thing, both in our own lives and in those of our loved ones.  While reading this weekend I came across a poem that expresses my thoughts exactly.  Concerning acts of compassion, Emily Dickinson writes “If I can stop one heart from breaking, I […]

How JCCM Helps Clients

Since July, JCCM has received several large donations and grants from E-Trade/Morgan Stanley, Charles Town Moose Lodge, EDF Renewables, and several individuals.  To all those who that have sent JCCM these much-needed funds, we give out heartfelt thanks. Two typical questions asked from those donating are what are our greatest needs, and how will the […]